2022-10-12 219Today, the Internet is becoming a benchmark in the level of development of any state. The current stage of the development of states is quite rightly assessed through the prism of the development of Internet technologies and the degree of their regulation. Therefore, for Uzbekistan, the development of the Internet and activities in this area is an important step towards prosperity and sustainable development. It is not for nothing that the Strategy of New Uzbekistan sets the task of revising the requirements for modern technologies and digital activities in the framework of increasing the competitiveness of the legal system and mobilizing new drivers of the economy. Now everyone knows that digital technologies are the main catalyst for globalization. It is not for nothing that the UN called digital technologies as “an effective means of achieving all 17 sustainable development goals”. Global development using digital technologies is therefore called the digital future.
A look at the activities of NGOs: what is changing?
2022-10-12 216In recent years, consistent reforms have been implemented in our country to support non-governmental non-profit organizations and other institutions of civil society and guarantee their freedom of activity, strengthen social partnership between state bodies and them, implement effective public control, as well as improve the legal framework regulating this area.
I. Currently, the number of NGOs and their separate departments registered in the judicial bodies is 8,938, and the majority of NGOs operating in the Republic fall into the fields of sports, legal/democratic institutions, protection of the rights of youth and disabled people, and development of entrepreneurship. There are relatively few non-governmental non-profit organizations in the field of mass media and journalism (40) and friendship societies